My Uganda Adventure - The sequel

"My Uganda-story does not come to an end......"

That is how I ended my blog in July 2017.  And I am so happy to inform you I will return to the pearl of Africa in approx. 35 days!!!!!!!

I hear you questioning: What happened in the meantime and why are you returning? 

When I came home last year, Uganda kept going through my mind.  During my holiday in August in France, I realized how much I missed the country and its people.  My family must have gone nuts because of my stories and all the beautiful pictures.    I met so many nice persons and was also impressed by their "way of living".   I only want to share, share and share my experiences.

When I was asked to give a presentation on Pepal to our on-call staff and team (160 persons) in November, I re-lived my complete journey from July.  It felt like very emotional.  Talking about a beautiful country, a wonderful project and a life-changing experience brought me back to those exciting days.

After my return, we were supposed to work further on sustainability of all communication material which is being used on a daily basis in Uganda.  Frances, but also colleagues from the May-cohort and myself have been working on a poster, T-shirts and other materials.    When you get pictures of the materials being distributed and implemented, it gives you a nice feeling.  But still....  I kept having an "empty" feeling.  I wished I could have contributed more... 

In the fourth quarter of 2017  I was informed an International Summit on Leadership in Healthcare was being organised for April 2018.  How nice would it be if I could contribute, collaborate with colleagues and people in Uganda....  ?
When I was  asked if I would be interested in organizing an Alumni-Event adjacent to the conference, they did not really need to convince me.  Especially because my co-organizer was going to be Eveline...  We spent quite some time together in Uganda, shared so many stories, ideas, feelings...    I was sure we were going to be a great team.

This is were MY UGANDA ADVENTURE - THE SEQUEL STARTED....  More news soon...

There is also this 1 special person I met in Uganda, who calls me his "mother".  We are in close contact every week.  And when on Christmas Eve, out of the blue, you get Christmas wishes from him, my heart melts. 

Martijn and Mirten were sitting next to me when my phone beeped: Merry Christmas mother, miss you...  The 3 of us were like: wow, he is thinking of us....  And the same happened on New Year's Eve...  Being thousand of miles separated from each other, but feeling close to each other. 

Warm regards from a very happy and enthusiastic Heidi

PS: Wanna have an idea or more information on this Conference?  You can click the link - the website is being updated on a regular basis: International Summit on Leadership In Healthcare


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